We use clocks, calendars, timers, agendas and memos to keep track of what is next in our day. With being woken up by a persistent alarm in the morning to making our way though our busy schedules the adventure and notion of creativity is driven away. When an unexpected event unravels into our week we start to get anxious and frustrated thinking to ourselves, how am I going to have time to deal with this? With change being the only constant in life (Heraclitus), it is inevitable surprising events will find their way to our day.
We are born to embrace change, search for new adventures never to settle down too long into the ‘comfort zone’. Not every unexpected event could be negative, on contrary, most of these events are positive. When we are able to focus on creating a simple and flexible lifestyle we can accommodate for all of these changes. Each change takes time to reflect and appreciate by using gratitude, prayer, meditation and mindfulness techniques we can allow enough time in our days to process new events and adapt our thoughts to accepting them. So, if I want to create a life to accommodate for these new events, where do I start?
Start by recognising your daily routine
What tasks do I schedule each day?
How do I wake up?
Do I spend time in personal reflection?
How am I feeling after each day?
Building a consciousness to your general behaviour each day will allow you to seek out any patterns in your life contributing to the busy life you entail. Remembering that we want to make each day simple and flexible, start by decreasing your workload perhaps taking out 3 events out of your schedule or following the 1-3-5 rule for to-do lists. Mood and Health effects the ability to work each day to allow more effectiveness and less business in your day.
Repeat aloud these affirmations:
'I have three hundred and sixty-five days of chances each year'
'Each day the work I produce is enough'
'I am enough'
Living in the moment
In the fast-paced world we live in, we can often oversee the amount and time we spend working. It could be difficult to take a break and tune out as we constantly seek stimulation for our mind and body. Perhaps we could train our minds to be stimulated by other sources of life and interests.
What does a perfect day look to you like?
Is it one where you are rising to the top in a business, taking on a new skill in an outdoor sport, cooking up a grand meal, watching a movie with a friend or having stroll on the beach as you listen aloud to your favourite songs. It may be a couple of moments that collate together to make your perfect day. You deserve to have each day be a perfect day, allow yourself to spend enough time each day doing what you love and that will become your stimulation each day. Life is anything you make of it and you have the power to shape each day for the better.
Put time aside in your busy or lazy day today to understand how you are feeling and what you can do to improve your week. Leave plenty of room in your day in fact, schedule in an hour each day for you. You can spend this time working on your mental, physical, social and spiritual health and hobbies. If you find that you may have more time in your day then schedule in 2 or more hours for self-time. To move on with peace and joy each day we have to be conscious of how we are feeling rather than where we heading next.
Following God’s Calling for You
When I reflect on the best moments in my life it has entirely aligned with God’s Timing. What goes unplanned is what keeps each day to the next exciting. From meeting new friends, having an adventure when travelling, someone reaching out to help to dancing and laughing in the wildest of places. God has many of the best of memories in stall for you. His plan is sacred and perfectly crafted to suit you because he knows where you find joy. His mysterious plan can be followed by the nudges he gives you where he presents you with a new opportunity – a way out, a new adventure.
God’s Timing is Perfect
God changes your life by connecting with you in the silence of each day and the kindness of the people you meet. Allow yourself to spend time praying to God to receive clarity of what his plan is and what is your purpose because thy will be done. Pray for self-perseverance, asking for strength each day. Repeating this mantra, ‘Lord give me strength’ three times when you are feeling weak. Closing your eyes in prayer and letting the Holy Spirit feel the atmosphere, since it is God’s Timing rather than our worldly desires are we have to be patient. God may even be spiritually directing you through another person where their kind and God-filled words bring consolation and joy to you. Alike to hearing the Good News at Church.
Let Go & Let God
With temptations and materialism filling our days we will be tested. You will be stretched, questioned and put down however, if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31). We must continue to march on carrying light, joy and clarity. God will not give you something you cannot handle (1 Corinthians 10:13). And it can get very difficult but the world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness as declared by Pope Benedict XVI.
When your strength withers; where is your Faith?
Keep believing that there is better for you and where you are now does not determine who you were made to become. This is not the end goal; it is simply the beginning of the great plan he has for you. Faith, friendship and family goes hand in hand- take care of those around you and as you spend time on yourself, start to reflect on how you help others around you and the importance you are to the people who love you.
Written By Juliette Pierre